How much does it Cost?
It varies from Lodge to Lodge, but anyone wishing to
join can find a Lodge to suit his pocket.
Dues are paid either in Advance (full 12 months on the 1st June) or Six Monthly (1st June & 1st November) only.
In the case of The Armadale Lodge No. 94 this is the fee structure and charges:
· Joining
Fee (One Off) - On entry (either by Initiation, Joining / Affiliation or
Associate). This is paid direct to Grand Lodge.
· Lodge
Annual Operations Subscription - which covers your membership and the administrative cost
of running the Lodge.
· Grand
Lodge of WA Membership - this fee is charged in
addition to Lodge Annual Operations Subscription to cover the administrative cost of
running the business of Grand Lodge (of which you are a automatic member) and the day-to-day utility and maintenance
/ insurance requirements of meeting at the Armadale Masonic Hall Complex. This is paid direct to Grand Lodge.
· The
lodge has a light two (2) course meal after each regular Thursday night meeting; the cost of this is
included the Annual Lodge Annual Operations Subscription. Your three (3) course Installation meal is also included.
The current Membership Fees (excluding one off
charges) at the 1st of June 2024 are:
Member (includes Affiliated): $640.00
Member: $560.00 **
Member (inc Overseas based and Interstate): $195.00
Note: These fees are reviewed annually in April and come into effect from 1st June each year.
What about Clothing and Equipment?
Members are required to purchase a Dinner Suit (known
as ‘Black Tie’) to wear at every Regular Meeting.
Masonic items of clothing like Entered Apprentice, Fellow and Master Mason Craft aprons and all of the required reading etc is purchased (at discounted rates) thru the Grand Lodge website once you are a member.
What about the cornerstone of
Freemasonry – Charity?
It is entirely up to the individual member what he
gives to Charity, but it should always be without detriment to his other
responsibilities, in particular family.
Can I join other Lodges or Orders of
You may join other Orders
of Freemasonry as your time and finances allow, as long as it
does not adversely affect your family life and responsibilities or your 'Mother Craft' lodge financial responsibilities once a member.
** A subscribing member receiving a
State, Territory or Commonwealth (Australian) Pension (veterans, aged,
disability or invalid pension etc.), and on producing written proof of
entitlement of the same and is NOT in full time employment (i.e. working 25 hours
or less per week, averaged over a 12 month period), shall be eligible to pay
the discounted rate of the annual lodge subscription.
** A subscribing member who is employed,
(self-employed), on ‘Fly In – Fly Out’
(FIFO) basis or, employed as a ‘shift worker’, for a continuous period of not
less than twelve (12) calendar months and due this employment
(self-employment), is unable to attend meetings regularly (i.e. less than 50%),
may on written application per lodge financial year, and upon a resolution of
the lodge duly passed be deemed to be a ‘FIFO’ / Shift Worker Member’.
** Any member who has for a period of
twelve (12) months and upwards resided more than 50kms (as ‘the crow flies’)
from the Armadale Masonic Hall, Armadale, may while he continues to so reside,
and upon a resolution of the lodge duly passed, be deemed to be a Country
Member, and his annual subscription shall be
payable as aforesaid.
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